New York - Niagara

The Falls of Niagara in Canada Metz / Heath 1817 6¼" x 7-1/8" CP - F $95
The Horseshoe Fall, Niagara. / With the tower Bartlett 1840 5½" x 6-7/8" CP - F $70
Fort Niagara Taken from the British Side of the River at Newark (1814) Pease 1849 4¼" x 6¾" Aquatint on steel - F $65
A Distant View of the Falls of Niagara Cole / Woodcock 1846 6" x 7½" CP - VG $75
Brock's Monument from the American Side Bartlett 1850 5½" x 7¼" CP - F $45
Niagara Falls fom the Ferry Bartlett 1840 5¼" x 7" CP - F $70
Niagara Falls (from Near Clifton House) Bartlett 1840 5" x 6¾" CP - VG $75
Niagara Falls as seen from below Wall / Archer 1834 6" x 9" CP - F $60
Southeast View of the Great Cataract on Casconchiagon or Little Seneca's River, Lake Ontario 1768 Davies / Duthie 1850 4¾" x 6¼" CP - F $55